AirPhysio Reviews 2024 – Does It Really Work?

Are you tired of struggling with respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, or allergies that leave you breathless and exhausted? Meet AirPhysio, the handheld device that claims to breathe fresh air for your lungs! Using the revolutionary Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) technique, AirPhysio aims to loosen and expel mucus, making breathing easier and more comfortable.

But does it live up to the hype? Many users have praised AirPhysio's effectiveness in improving lung function and reducing distressing symptoms.

In this article, we'll dive into AirPhysio reviews to help you decide if this device is the game-changer you've been searching for. Say hello to better respiratory health and bid farewell to breathlessness – let's uncover the truth about AirPhysio together!

What is AirPhysio?

AirPhysio is a handheld respiratory device designed to help people clear mucus and other obstructions from their lungs, making breathing easier and promoting better lung health. It uses oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) to create vibrations that help loosen mucus and other secretions in the airways, which can then be expelled through coughing or huffing.

To use the AirPhysio device, the user inhales deeply and then exhales forcefully into the device. The OPEP technology creates resistance and vibrations during exhalation, which helps to shake loose mucus and other lung obstructions. This process can be repeated several times to clear the airways effectively.

The benefits of using AirPhysio include improved lung function and easier breathing, reduced symptoms of respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and bronchitis, and a decreased risk of lung infections. It can also help individuals recovering from surgery or illness clear their lungs and improve respiratory function.

How Does AirPhysio Work?

AirPhysio works by using a combination of oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) and vibration technology to help improve respiratory health. When a person exhales into the device, the OPEP technology creates vibrations in the airways, which helps to loosen and thin out mucus and phlegm that may be present.

AirPhysio Review

As the mucus and phlegm are thinned out, the vibration technology further helps to break them up, making it easier for the user to cough them up and clear their lungs. This process helps to improve lung function and increase lung capacity, which can be especially beneficial for people with respiratory conditions such as asthma, COPD, and bronchitis.

AirPhysio is a safe and effective way to improve respiratory health without external power sources or complicated setups. Its easy-to-use design and proven effectiveness make it popular for people looking to improve their breathing and respiratory function.

AirPhysio vs Traditional Respiratory Treatments

Here's a comparing AirPhysio with traditional respiratory treatments:

AspectAirPhysioTraditional Respiratory Treatments
Method of TreatmentA handheld device that uses positive pressure and vibration to loosen and remove mucus from the lungsMedications, inhalers, nebulizers, chest physiotherapy, and other medical treatments
Ease of UseEasy to use at home or on the go, non-invasiveIt can improve respiratory function and reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
CostOne-time purchase cost, no ongoing costsCost of medications, medical equipment, and healthcare visits
Potential Side EffectsMinimal risk of side effectsIt may require a prescription or specialized medical equipment
EffectivenessIt may require a prescription or specialized medical equipmentEffectiveness varies depending on treatment and individual response
AccessibilityAvailable for purchase online and in some retail storesMay require a prescription or specialized medical equipment
MaintenanceSimple cleaning and replacement of parts as neededMaintenance requirements vary depending on the treatment

Comparison Of Airphysio With Other Respiratory Treatments

AirPhysio has several advantages over traditional respiratory treatments. Firstly, it is non-invasive and drug-free, making it a safer and more natural option for individuals seeking to improve their respiratory health. It is also portable and easy to use, allowing individuals to use it at home and on the go.

AirPhysio Review

Advantages Of Airphysio Over Traditional Treatments

AirPhysio uses OPEP technology to loosen and clear mucus from the lungs, which is a more gentle and comfortable technique than some traditional treatments, such as suctioning or chest physiotherapy. Additionally, AirPhysio is affordable, making it accessible to a wider range of individuals.

Effectiveness Of Airphysio In Improving Respiratory Health

Studies have shown that OPEP devices like AirPhysio can effectively improve lung function, reduce symptoms of respiratory conditions, and promote better overall respiratory health. Overall, AirPhysio is a promising alternative to traditional respiratory treatments and may offer a safe, effective, and convenient option for individuals seeking to improve their respiratory health.

AirPhysio Review

AirPhysio Reviews: Features and Specifications

AirPhysio is a handheld respiratory device that combines oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) and vibration technology to help improve respiratory health. Some of the key features and specifications of AirPhysio include the following:

AirPhysio Review
  • Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) technology: AirPhysio uses OPEP technology to help loosen mucus and phlegm in the airways, making it easier to cough up and clear the lungs.
  • Vibration technology: The device also utilizes vibration technology to provide additional respiratory support, helping to improve lung function and increase lung capacity.
  • Portable design: AirPhysio is a compact and lightweight device, making it easy to use at home, at work, or on the go.
  • Easy to use: AirPhysio is simple, without batteries or external power sources.
  • Suitable for all ages: AirPhysio is safe and effective for people of all ages, from children to seniors.
  • Easy to clean: AirPhysio is easy to clean and maintain, with all parts being removable and washable.
  • Dimensions: The AirPhysio device measures approximately 4.5 inches in length and 2.5 inches in width, weighing approximately 2.4 ounces.

AirPhysio is a highly effective and convenient device with many features and specifications designed to improve respiratory health and help users breathe more easily.

Benefits Of Airphysio

The AirPhysio device offers a range of benefits for individuals seeking to improve their respiratory health. Some of the key benefits of using AirPhysio include the following:

AirPhysio Review

Relief Of Respiratory Conditions

AirPhysio can help individuals with respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis to clear mucus and other obstructions from their airways, reducing symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.

Increased Lung Capacity And Oxygenation

By clearing the airways of mucus and other obstructions, AirPhysio can help individuals to breathe more easily and increase their lung capacity. This can improve the oxygenation of the blood and promote better overall health.

Reduced Coughing And Phlegm Production

AirPhysio's OPEP technology can help to break up and expel mucus from the lungs, reducing coughing and phlegm production. This can significantly benefit individuals with a chronic cough or excessive phlegm production.

AirPhysio Review

Improved Overall Respiratory Health

By promoting better lung function and clearing the airways, AirPhysio can help individuals to maintain better overall respiratory health. This can lead to a reduced risk of lung infections and other respiratory complications.

Overall, AirPhysio is a non-invasive and drug-free device that can provide a range of benefits for individuals seeking to improve their respiratory health and quality of life.

AirPhysio Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Here are some positive reviews and testimonials from AirPhysio users:

AirPhysio Review

I have COPD and have struggled with mucus buildup for years. AirPhysio has made a huge difference in my respiratory function. I use it every day and have noticed a significant improvement in my ability to breathe and cough up mucus. Highly recommend! – Jane, 63 Years Old

My daughter has cystic fibrosis and we were looking for a non-invasive way to help improve her respiratory health. AirPhysio has been a game-changer for us. It's easy to use and she actually enjoys using it. We've noticed a reduction in respiratory infections since starting to use it regularly.” – Laura, 42 Years Old

I've been using AirPhysio for a few weeks now and have noticed a big improvement in my breathing. I have asthma and allergies and have been struggling with shortness of breath for a while. AirPhysio has helped to clear out any mucus or debris in my lungs and I feel like I can breathe easier. – Tom, 29 Years Old

I was a bit skeptical at first, but after using AirPhysio for a few days, I could really feel a difference in my respiratory function. I have bronchitis and often have trouble clearing out mucus. AirPhysio has helped me to cough up more mucus and breathe easier. Highly recommend giving it a try. – Mike, 47 Years Old

Overall, the reviews and testimonials from AirPhysio users are overwhelmingly positive, with many people reporting improved respiratory function, reduced risk of respiratory infections, and overall quality of life. While individual results may vary, AirPhysio appears to be a valuable addition to a daily respiratory care routine for people with various respiratory conditions.

AirPhysio Performance and Efficacy

AirPhysio has been designed to improve respiratory function by using Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) therapy, which combines vibration and positive pressure to help loosen and remove mucus from the lungs. Here are some sources of evidence regarding AirPhysio's performance and efficacy:

AirPhysio Review

A clinical trial conducted in 2020 found that OPEP therapy (the technology used by AirPhysio) effectively improved respiratory function in people with COPD. The study concluded that “OPEP therapy can improve lung function, exercise capacity, and dyspnea in COPD patients.”

A study published in 2018 found that OPEP therapy was effective in improving respiratory function and reducing the frequency of respiratory infections in children with cystic fibrosis. The study concluded that “OPEP therapy is an effective airway clearance technique for children with cystic fibrosis and should be recommended as part of their daily therapy regimen.”

AirPhysio's website cites several user testimonials and case studies that suggest the device has been effective in improving respiratory function and reducing the frequency of respiratory infections in people with various respiratory conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, and cystic fibrosis.

Overall, the available evidence suggests that OPEP therapy (the technology used by AirPhysio) can effectively improve respiratory function and reduce the frequency of respiratory infections in people with a variety of respiratory conditions.

While individual differences may exist in how people respond to the therapy, the clinical studies and user testimonials suggest that AirPhysio may be a valuable addition to many people's daily respiratory care routine.

How To Use AirPhysio?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the AirPhysio device:

AirPhysio Review
  1. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the device.
  2. Remove the cap from the device and make sure it is clean and dry.
  3. Inhale deeply and place the mouthpiece of the AirPhysio device between your lips, making a tight seal.
  4. Exhale forcefully and steadily into the device, keeping your tongue down and your lips closed around the mouthpiece.
  5. Continue to exhale for 3-4 seconds or until you feel resistance from the device.
  6. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds, then cough or huff to clear any mucus or secretions the device has loosened.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for 10-20 breaths or as your healthcare provider recommends.

Precautions And Safety Measures

Some precautions and safety measures to keep in mind when using AirPhysio include:

  • Do not share your AirPhysio device with others to prevent the spread of germs and infections.
  • Do not use the device if you are experiencing a medical emergency or severe respiratory distress.
  • If you experience any discomfort, pain, or difficulty breathing while using the device, stop immediately and seek medical attention.

Dos And Don'ts When Using Airphysio

Some dos and don'ts to follow when using AirPhysio include:

AirPhysio Review


  • Use the device as recommended by your healthcare provider.
  • After each use, wash the device with warm soapy water and allow it to air dry.
  • Store the device in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.


  • Do not use the device while driving or operating heavy machinery.
  • Do not use the device if you are under drugs or alcohol.
  • Do not modify or disassemble the device.

Who Can Benefit From Airphysio?

AirPhysio can be beneficial for people with a variety of respiratory conditions, including:

AirPhysio Review
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Chronic cough
  • Respiratory infections (such as pneumonia)

AirPhysio uses Oscillating Positive Expiratory Pressure (OPEP) therapy to help loosen and remove mucus from the lungs, which can benefit people with these conditions.

AirPhysio can be used by people of all ages, from children to older people. Children with respiratory conditions such as cystic fibrosis can benefit from AirPhysio, as can older adults with COPD or emphysema. However, it is important to note that AirPhysio should not be used by people who have had recent ear surgery, collapsed lung, or punctured lung.

Overall, AirPhysio is a valuable addition to a daily respiratory care routine for people with various respiratory conditions, regardless of age. However, as with any medical treatment, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine if AirPhysio is appropriate for your individual needs.

AirPhysio for Athletes

AirPhysio can be beneficial for athletes in several ways. As athletes engage in intense physical activity, they often experience increased respiratory rate and may have difficulty clearing mucus from their airways, which can impact their athletic performance. AirPhysio can help address these issues by using OPEP therapy to help loosen and remove mucus from the lungs, which can help athletes breathe more easily and perform better.

AirPhysio review

AirPhysio for Asthma

AirPhysio can benefit individuals with asthma by helping to loosen and clear mucus and other obstructions from the airways, reducing the severity of asthma symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath. By using the device regularly, individuals with asthma may also experience an improvement in lung function and overall respiratory health.

AirPhysio for COPD

AirPhysio can be a helpful tool for individuals with COPD by helping clear mucus and other obstructions from the airways and reducing the severity of COPD symptoms such as shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing. By improving the clearance of mucus and other obstructions, individuals with COPD may experience an improvement in lung function and overall respiratory health.

AirPhysio for Seniors

AirPhysio can be a helpful tool for seniors with respiratory issues such as COPD, emphysema, and pneumonia. By helping to clear mucus and other obstructions from the airways, AirPhysio can improve lung function and reduce symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

AirPhysio Review

AirPhysio for Smokers

It's important to note that AirPhysio is not intended as a tool to help individuals quit smoking. However, for smokers looking to improve their respiratory health and reduce the adverse effects of smoking on their lungs, AirPhysio may be a helpful tool.

By helping to clear mucus and other obstructions from the airways, AirPhysio can help smokers breathe more efficiently and reduce symptoms such as coughing and shortness of breath. This can be especially helpful for smokers who are experiencing respiratory symptoms as a result of their smoking.

AirPhysio Review

AirPhysio for Sleep Apnea

AirPhysio is not typically recommended as a primary treatment for sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a severe medical condition that can cause interruptions in breathing during sleep, leading to poor sleep quality and other health problems. The most common treatment for sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which uses a machine to deliver pressurized air to keep the airway open during sleep.

AirPhysio for Allergies

AirPhysio can be a helpful tool for people with allergies and hay fever. These conditions can cause inflammation and excess mucus production in the respiratory system, leading to congestion, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

AirPhysio Review

By using AirPhysio, it may be possible to reduce inflammation and clear excess mucus, leading to improved respiratory function and a reduction in allergy symptoms.

AirPhysio can also effectively treat sinus congestion and common allergy symptoms post-nasal drip. By using the device to create positive pressure in the airways, it may be possible to help clear the sinuses and reduce the severity of these symptoms.

AirPhysio Competitors

AirPhysio has several competitors in the respiratory therapy market, including:

  • Spiro PD – A handheld respiratory therapy device that uses positive expiratory pressure (PEP) to help clear airways.
  • Flutter – Another handheld respiratory therapy device that uses oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) to help clear airways.
  • Acapella – A respiratory therapy device that uses vibratory PEP to help clear airways.
  • PowerLung – A respiratory muscle training device that helps improve lung capacity and strength.

Compared to these competitors, AirPhysio has several benefits. First, AirPhysio is more versatile and can treat a wider range of respiratory conditions, including asthma, COPD, and allergies.

AirPhysio Review

AirPhysio is non-invasive and does not require medication, making it a safer and more convenient option for many users. AirPhysio is also designed to be easy to use and requires no special training or skills.

However, there are some limitations to AirPhysio compared to its competitors. For example, AirPhysio may not be as effective at treating very severe cases of respiratory conditions and may not be as effective for individuals who require more intensive respiratory therapy.

Pricing and Availability of Airphysio

AirPhysio is currently available for purchase through the official AirPhysio website. The device costs $59.99 for a single unit, $119.98 for a two-pack with a bonus third unit, and $179.97 for a five-pack with two bonus units. These packages offer different discounts and are designed to cater to the different needs of customers.

PackageOffer CategoryPrice
RegularBuy 1 Pay Full Price$59.99
Most PopularGet 2 Get 1 Free$119.98
Best ValueBuy 3 Get 2 Free$179.97

Overall, AirPhysio is priced competitively compared to other respiratory devices on the market, and the manufacturer's website offers a convenient and reliable way to purchase the device.

Where To Buy AirPhysio?

AirPhysio can be purchased directly from the official AirPhysio website. The website offers different packages with various discounts to cater to the different needs of customers. We recommended purchasing directly from the official website to ensure the product's authenticity and take advantage of current promotions or discounts. Purchasing from the official website also ensures customer support and warranty information access.

airphysio reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about AirPhysio:

What Is Airphysio?

AirPhysio is a handheld respiratory therapy device that uses a combination of oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) and vibrations to help clear the airways and improve respiratory function.

How Does Airphysio Work?

AirPhysio works by creating vibrations in the airways that help loosen mucus and other blockages. It also uses OPEP to help open up the airways and improve lung function.

Is AirPhysio Safe To Use?

Yes, AirPhysio is safe to use for most people. However, individuals with certain medical conditions should consult with their healthcare provider before using AirPhysio.

Is AirPhysio Easy To Use?

Yes, AirPhysio is designed to be easy to use and does not require any special training or skills. Instructions for use are included with the device.

How Long Does It Take To See Results From Using Airphysio?

Results may vary depending on the individual and the specific respiratory condition being treated. Some users report improvement in respiratory function and symptom relief within a few days of using AirPhysio.

How Often Should I Use Airphysio?

The recommended frequency of use may vary depending on the individual and the specific respiratory condition being treated. Users should follow the instructions provided with the device and consult with their healthcare provider if unsure.

Can Airphysio Be Used With Other Respiratory Treatments?

Yes, AirPhysio can be used in conjunction with other respiratory treatments, including medications and breathing exercises.

Can Airphysio Be Used By Children?

Yes, AirPhysio can be used by children under adult supervision.

How Long Does Airphysio Last?

AirPhysio is designed to last for up to 5 years with proper care and maintenance.

Where Can I Purchase Airphysio?

AirPhysio can be purchased on the company's website or through authorized retailers.

Additional information about AirPhysio, including customer reviews, usage instructions, and information about the device's features and benefits, can be found on the company's website.

AirPhysio Warranty and Customer Support

The AirPhysio device comes with a 1-year warranty from the date of purchase. This warranty covers any defects in materials or artistry and gives customers peace of mind when purchasing the device.

If customers experience any issues with their AirPhysio device, they can contact the manufacturer's customer support team for assistance. The company offers various customer support options, including email and phone support, and a comprehensive FAQ section on its website that addresses common issues and questions.


In conclusion, AirPhysio stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a breath of fresh air in their respiratory health journey. Its handheld design, powered by oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) technology, offers a portable and effective solution for various respiratory conditions. From asthma and COPD to allergies and sinusitis, AirPhysio embraces individuals of all walks of life, including athletes and smokers eager to optimize their lung function.

With resounding endorsements from satisfied users and scientific studies validating its efficacy, AirPhysio shines as a non-invasive and medication-free alternative to traditional treatments. Moreover, its affordability and dedicated customer support amplify its appeal. While no device is without limitations, AirPhysio's virtues far outweigh any shortcomings.

In the quest for a revitalized respiratory experience, AirPhysio emerges as a worthy ally, empowering all to breathe easier and live life to the fullest. Embrace the power of AirPhysio for a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

Adam Leon

I am Adam Leon, the founder and lead author of Digita Dir. As a tech enthusiast with a background in computer science, I am passionate about all things digital. I head up a team of experts at Digita Dir, providing comprehensive reviews and how-to guides on the latest gadgets and technologies. Keep an eye out for my articles, full of valuable insights and recommendations on the latest and greatest in the world of tech.

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