Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo Review 2024: Does it Really Work?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a popular handheld LED light therapy device that claims to help with anti-aging and acne. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, the science behind LED light therapy, how it works, its effectiveness for anti-aging and acne, and how it compares to other LED light therapy devices in the market.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a handheld LED light therapy device that uses red and infrared light to improve skin's appearance, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even skin tone. While it does have some drawbacks, such as cost and the potential for eye damage, proper use, and precautions can mitigate these risks. Overall, it is a convenient and effective option for those looking to improve their skin's appearance at home.

What Is Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a handheld LED light therapy device that emits different colored LED lights to help improve the skin's appearance. LED light therapy has been used for decades to treat various skin conditions, and Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is one of the most popular devices on the market today.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo features red, blue, and infrared lights that penetrate deep into the skin to promote collagen production, reduce inflammation, and kill acne-causing bacteria.

How Does Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo Work?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo emits different colored LED lights that penetrate the skin at different depths. The red LED light stimulates collagen production, which helps to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging. Collagen is a protein that provides structural support to the skin, and its production decreases with age, leading to sagging, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

The blue LED light, on the other hand, kills acne-causing bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), which can cause inflammation and breakouts. Blue light therapy has been shown to reduce the number of P. acnes bacteria in the skin and improve acne.

Infrared light, which is invisible to the naked eye, penetrates the deepest into the skin, promotes healing, and reduces inflammation. Infrared light therapy has been shown to improve skin texture, reduce redness and irritation, and promote the healing wounds and scars.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is also safe and easy to use and doesn't require downtime or recovery time. The device is designed for use at home and on all skin types. However, following the instructions carefully and avoiding using the device too close to the eyes is important.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo for Anti-Aging

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is an innovative device that utilizes LED light therapy to combat the signs of aging. The device's effectiveness lies in stimulating collagen production in the skin, which is crucial for maintaining a youthful appearance.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Collagen, as we know, is a protein that provides structural support to the skin. As we age, collagen production declines, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness in the skin. Fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging become more prominent. However, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo can reverse this process.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology has shown that LED light therapy can improve the appearance of aging skin by up to 90%. Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo users have also reported significant improvements in their skin's texture, tone, and overall appearance after consistent use.

Using the device is straightforward. Select the red LED light and hold the device against your skin for several minutes. The red light will penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin texture and tone.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo for Acne

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a device that has been specifically designed to address acne through the use of blue LED light technology. This innovative technology emits blue light that effectively kills the bacteria that cause acne, such as Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes), which can lead to inflammation and breakouts.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Several studies have shown the effectiveness of blue light therapy in reducing acne lesions and improving the skin's overall appearance. A study published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy found that blue light therapy significantly reduced the number of P. acnes bacteria in the skin, improving acne.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo offers a convenient and easy-to-use solution for individuals looking to improve their acne. The blue light penetrates the skin by simply selecting the blue LED light and holding the device against the skin for several minutes. It destroys P. acnes bacteria, which can help to reduce inflammation and prevent future breakouts.

However, it is essential to note that LED light therapy may not be effective for severe cases of acne and should be used in conjunction with other acne treatments prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo vs. Other LED Light Therapy Devices

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is one of many LED light therapy devices on the market. Here are some key differences between Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo and other LED light therapy devices:

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Coverage Area

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has a large coverage area, making it easy to treat larger body areas like the face, neck, chest, and hands. Other LED light therapy devices may have a smaller coverage area, making it challenging to treat larger areas of the body.

Number of LEDs

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has 262 medical-grade LED lights, more than many other LED light therapy devices on the market. This means that the device is more powerful and can provide better results.


Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is FDA-cleared, which means it has been tested and approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for safety and effectiveness. Other LED light therapy devices may not be FDA-cleared, which can raise concerns about their safety and effectiveness.

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Easy To Use

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is easy to use and comes with a user manual that provides clear instructions on using the device. Other LED light therapy devices may be more complicated and may not have clear instructions.


Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is priced competitively compared to high-end LED light therapy devices. However, some other LED light therapy devices may be less expensive but not offer the same quality and effectiveness.

Overall, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a high-quality LED light therapy device with a large coverage area, many LEDs, FDA clearance, ease of use, and competitive pricing.

How to Use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

Using Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is easy. Here's how to use it:

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo
  1. Cleanse your skin: Before using Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, it's important to cleanse your skin to remove any dirt, oil, or makeup.
  2. Choose the appropriate LED light: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has four different LED lights to choose from red, blue, amber, and infrared. Choose the LED light corresponding to the specific skin concern you want to address.
  3. Turn on the device: Press the power button until the LED lights turn on.
  4. Place the device against your skin: Hold it against it and move it in circular motions for several minutes. You can use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo on your face, neck, chest, hands, or any other body area you want to treat.
  5. Repeat as necessary: For best results, it's recommended that you use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo for 10-20 minutes three to four times per week. With consistent use, you should start to see improvements in your skin's appearance over time.
  6. Turn off the device: Press and hold the power button until the LED lights turn off.
  7. Clean the device: After each use, wipe the device with a clean, dry cloth to remove any dirt, oil, or sweat.

It's important to note that LED light therapy does not replace other skincare treatments, such as cleansers, moisturizers, and sunscreen. It should be used in conjunction with a healthy skincare routine to achieve the best results.

Who Should Use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo can be used by anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their skin. However, it may be particularly beneficial for the following groups of people:

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo
  1. People with acne-prone skin: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo's blue LED light effectively reduces acne's appearance by killing the bacteria that cause it.
  2. People with fine lines and wrinkles: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo's red LED light effectively reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by promoting collagen production.
  3. People with uneven skin tone: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo's amber LED light effectively reduces the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation by inhibiting melanin production.
  4. People with dry skin: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo's infrared LED light is effective in improving skin hydration and reducing the appearance of dryness by stimulating the production of natural oils in the skin.

Pros and Cons of Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo

Like any skincare product or device, revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has pros and cons. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using this LED light therapy device:

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo


Versatile: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has four different LED lights, making it suitable for various skin concerns, including acne, fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone, and dryness.

Convenient: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a handheld device that can be used at home or on the go, making it a convenient addition to any skincare routine.

Non-invasive: Unlike other skincare treatments, such as chemical peels or laser therapy, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is non-invasive and requires no downtime.

Safe: Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is generally safe for most people and has been FDA-cleared for home use.


Results may vary: While many people report seeing improvements in their skin's appearance after using Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, results may vary depending on individual skin type and concerns.

Eye protection required: When using the device on the face, eye protection is required to prevent eye damage.

Overall, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a safe and effective option for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin. Still, it's important to weigh the pros and cons before making a purchase decision.

Customer Reviews

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has received mostly positive customer reviews. Many people report seeing improvements in their skin's appearance, including reduced fine lines and wrinkles, improved skin tone, and reduced acne breakouts. Here are some examples of customer reviews:

“I have been using the Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo for a few months now, and I have seen a noticeable improvement in the texture and tone of my skin. The red light has really helped to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I highly recommend this device!” – Sarah

“I have struggled with acne for years, and the blue light on the Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has really helped to clear up my skin. I use it three times a week, and I have noticed a significant reduction in breakouts.” – Lisa

“I was a bit skeptical about using an LED light therapy device, but the Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has really exceeded my expectations. The amber light has helped to reduce the appearance of dark spots on my skin, and my skin looks brighter and more even overall.” – Emily

While most customers have had positive experiences with the Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, some have noted that it can be time-consuming and may take several weeks or months to see noticeable results. It's important to remember that individual results may vary and that consistency is key when using any skincare product or device.

Pricing and Availability

The pricing for Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo varies depending on the package and offer selected. The Regular package includes one device and is priced at $79.98. The Most Popular package, which includes two devices with a Buy One Get One Free offer at 50% off, is priced at $119.98. The Best Value package, which includes three devices with a Buy Two Get One Free offer at 50% off, is priced at $159.97.

RegularBuy 1 Pay Full Price$79.98
Most PopularBuy 1 Get 1 Free 50% OFF$119.98
Best ValueBuy 2 Get 1 Free 50% OFF$159.97

Where to Buy Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo can be purchased exclusively from its official website, the only authorized discount platform. This ensures that customers receive 100% authentic products without compromising quality.


Furthermore, customers can enjoy a discount of 50% on each additional device purchased, making it an affordable option for those looking to buy multiple devices for personal or professional use.

When shopping for Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, it's important to exercise caution and only purchase from authorized sources to avoid the risk of counterfeit products. The official website provides a secure and reliable platform for purchasing the device, with convenient payment and shipping options available to customers.

Warranty and Returns

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo has a 30-day satisfaction guarantee and a one-year limited warranty. If you are not satisfied with the device within 30 days of purchase, you can return it for a full refund. To initiate a return, you will need to contact Revive Light Therapy customer service and obtain a Return Authorization Number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions and answers about Revive Light Therapy:

What Is Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a handheld LED light therapy device that uses red and infrared light to help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce acne breakouts, and even out skin tone.

How Does Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo Work?

The device emits red and infrared light, which the skin absorbs to help stimulate collagen production and promote cellular repair.

How Do I Use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

To use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo, press the device against your skin and hold it in place for three minutes. Repeat this process on each section of your face or body you wish to treat.

Is Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo Safe?

Yes, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is generally considered safe. However, as with any new skincare product or device, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

How Often Should I Use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo?

For best results, it is recommended to use Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo at least three times per week for several weeks. After the initial treatment period, you can continue to use the device as needed for maintenance.

Can Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo Be Used On All Skin Types?

Yes, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is generally considered safe for all skin types. However, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have any underlying skin conditions or concerns.


Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is a popular and effective LED light therapy device that can provide a range of benefits for the skin, including reducing fine lines and wrinkles and improving acne breakouts. Its easy-to-use handheld design makes it a convenient and affordable option for those looking to improve their skin's appearance at home.

While the device has some drawbacks, such as the cost and the potential for eye damage, these risks can be mitigated with proper use and precautions. Ultimately, whether or not Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is right for you depends on your skincare needs and goals.

Overall, if you are looking for a non-invasive and convenient way to improve your skin's appearance, Revive Light Therapy Lux Glo is definitely worth considering.

Adam Leon

I am Adam Leon, the founder and lead author of Digita Dir. As a tech enthusiast with a background in computer science, I am passionate about all things digital. I head up a team of experts at Digita Dir, providing comprehensive reviews and how-to guides on the latest gadgets and technologies. Keep an eye out for my articles, full of valuable insights and recommendations on the latest and greatest in the world of tech.

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