Omega DataCube Review 2024: Does It Work Or Waste Of Money?

Are you tired of dealing with a cluttered phone filled with thousands of old files, including precious photos and videos that are scattered across different apps and cloud backups? Do you constantly worry about the safety of your data and the possibility of losing your cherished memories in an accident? Well, fret no more! The solution to all your storage struggles has arrived as the revolutionary Omega DataCube.

In this article, we will delve into the world of Omega DataCube and explore why it's the breakthrough invention you've been waiting for. This compact device is designed to automatically back up all your data, including photos, videos, documents, and more, every time you charge your phone, tablet, or computer. No more searching for files, battling storage issues, or risking the loss of precious memories. The Omega DataCube is here to simplify your life and keep your data safe and secure.

Omega DataCube Review: Honest Opinion

Offering an honest opinion on the Omega DataCube, it's truly a game-changer in data backup. The automatic backup feature removes the hassle of safeguarding files, ensuring that valuable memories and important documents are secure. The local storage aspect adds an extra layer of privacy, distinguishing it from cloud-based alternatives. Its compatibility, user-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness make it a standout choice.

What Is Omega DataCube?

The Omega DataCube is a groundbreaking data backup device designed to automatically and securely back up all your files, including photos, videos, documents, and more, whenever you charge your phone, tablet, or computer. Invented by Mark Oman, a former HP executive, the device eliminates the hassle of manual backups and provides a simple and reliable solution to keep your data safe and organized.

Omega DataCube review

Unlike cloud-based backup services that come with monthly fees and potential privacy risks, the Omega DataCube stores your data locally on the device itself. This means your files remain private and protected from hackers. Additionally, the DataCube offers various storage options, ranging from 32GB to 256GB, allowing you to choose the capacity that suits your needs.

The device is compatible with both Mac and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users. With no need for an internet connection during backup, you can rest assured that your data is safe and accessible whenever you need it.

Features: Omega DataCube Review

The Omega DataCube boasts many features, making it a standout data backup device. Here are some of the key features that users have praised in reviews:

omega datacube review

Automatic Backups

One of the most appreciated features of the Omega DataCube is its ability to automatically back up all your photos, videos, documents, and other files without requiring any manual intervention. Plug your phone into the DataCube while charging; it takes care of the rest. This convenience ensures that your data is regularly and securely backed up, giving you peace of mind.

Ample Storage Options

The Omega DataCube comes in multiple storage capacities, ranging from 32GB to 256 GB. Whether you have a small collection of files or a vast amount of data, you can choose the storage option that best fits your needs. This flexibility allows you to store everything from cherished memories to important documents without worrying about running out of space.

omega datacube review

No Internet Connection Needed

Unlike cloud-based backup solutions, the Omega DataCube doesn't require an internet connection. This means your data is safe from potential breaches or unauthorized access. It also eliminates the need for monthly subscription fees associated with cloud services, providing a cost-effective and secure data backup solution.

Compatibility with Multiple Devices

The Omega DataCube is designed to be compatible with Mac and Android devices, ensuring it works seamlessly with various smartphones, tablets, and computers. This broad compatibility makes it accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their device preference.

omega datacube review

Local Storage and Privacy

With the Omega DataCube, your data is stored locally on the device, ensuring maximum privacy and security. Since it doesn't rely on cloud storage, you have complete control over your files, and there's no risk of third-party access to your sensitive data.

Effortless Organization

The DataCube not only backs up your files but also organizes them for easy access. It creates separate folders for different types of files, making it simple to locate and share your favorite memories with friends and family.

omega datacube review

Lightning-Fast Backup

It's advanced MicroSD card technology, the Omega DataCube performs backups quickly and efficiently. This lightning-fast transfer speed ensures that the process is smooth and hassle-free.

In summary, Omega DataCube's impressive features, including automatic backups, ample storage options, compatibility, and local storage, make it a game-changer in the world of data backup solutions. Users appreciate its ease of use, secure data storage, and the convenience of automatic backups every time they charge their devices.

Benefits: Omega DataCube Review

The Omega DataCube has garnered numerous positive reviews from users who have experienced its many benefits. Let's explore some of the key advantages that make this data backup device stand out:

omega datacube review

Effortless Data Backup

One of the most significant benefits of the Omega DataCube is its automatic data backup feature. Users love the convenience of not having to manually back up their files, as the device takes care of it every time they charge their phone, tablet, or computer. This seamless process ensures that all their precious memories and important files are protected without any extra effort.

Peace of Mind

With the Omega DataCube, users can rest easily, knowing their data is safe and secure. The device provides a reliable local storage solution, eliminating the risks associated with cloud-based backups, such as data breaches or service disruptions. This peace of mind is invaluable when it comes to safeguarding cherished memories and sensitive information.

omega datacube review

Streamlined Organization

The DataCube not only backs up files but also organizes them in separate folders. This makes it incredibly easy to find specific photos, videos, or documents when needed. Users appreciate the efficiency of this organization, especially when it comes to sharing files with friends and family.

No Monthly Fees

Unlike cloud-based backup services that often require monthly subscription fees, the Omega DataCube is a one-time purchase. Users appreciate the cost-effectiveness of this solution, as they don't have to worry about ongoing expenses to keep their data safe.

omega datacube review

Ample Storage Options

The availability of various storage capacities allows users to choose the option that best suits their needs. Whether they have a large collection of files or a more modest amount, DataCube offers storage solutions for everyone, providing the flexibility to manage their data efficiently.

User-Friendly Design

The Omega DataCube is designed with the average user in mind. Its simplicity and ease of use mean that even individuals without technical expertise can effectively back up their data. The device's plug-and-play functionality and compatibility with different devices make it accessible to many users.

omega datacube review

Quick and Efficient Backup

The advanced MicroSD card technology in the Omega DataCube ensures fast and reliable data backups. Users appreciate the speed with which their files are transferred, saving time and ensuring a smooth backup process.

In conclusion, the Omega DataCube offers numerous benefits that cater to users' needs for effortless data backup, privacy, organization, and cost-effectiveness. The device's automatic backups, local storage, and user-friendly design make it a highly recommended solution for keeping valuable data safe and organized.

How Does Omega DataCube Work?

The Omega DataCube operates on a simple and user-friendly process, making data backup a breeze. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works:

Step 1: Plug and Attach

To begin, attach the Omega DataCube to your phone charger. The device is designed to work with standard USB phone chargers you likely already have at home, so no additional accessories are required.

how does omega datacube work

Step 2: Connect Your Device

Next, plug your phone, tablet, or computer into the Omega DataCube using the same charger you would normally use for charging. The connection is straightforward, and there's no need for complicated setups or configurations.

how does omega datacube work

Step 3: Automatic Backup

Once your device is connected to the Omega DataCube, the magic begins. The device automatically starts backing up all your data, including photos, videos, documents, voice memos, and more. This process occurs every time you charge your device, ensuring that your data is regularly and securely backed up without any manual effort on your part.

how does omega datacube work

Step 4: Free App (Optional)

For added convenience, the Omega DataCube comes with a free app that you can install on your Android or Apple device. This app enhances the backup process by ensuring a smooth and efficient transfer of your files. Moreover, it organizes all your backed-up photos, videos, and files into separate folders, making it easy to find and access them when needed.

Step 5: Secure and Private Storage

The Omega DataCube stores your data locally on the device, ensuring maximum privacy and security. Unlike cloud-based solutions, your files remain under your control, and there's no risk of third-party access or data breaches.

how does omega datacube work

Step 6: Endless Storage Options

The device offers various storage options, allowing you to choose the capacity that best suits your needs. Whether you have a smaller collection of files or an extensive library of memories, Omega DataCube has a storage option for you.

how does omega datacube work

Step 7: Swapping SD Cards (Optional)

Should you need more storage capacity in the future, the Omega DataCube makes it easy to expand. Purchase additional Photo SD cards (MicroSD cards) and swap them in, providing you with endless data storage possibilities.

Pros and cons of Omega DataCube

As with any product, the Omega DataCube has its share of advantages and potential drawbacks. Let's take a closer look:


  • Easy to use
  • Quick Backup Speed
  • Secure
  • Automatic Backups
  • Efficient Organization
  • No internet connection needed
  • Multiple storage options
  • Compatible with both Mac and Android devices.


  • Limited storage capacity
  • Initial setup required

Is Omega DataCube Reliable?

Yes, the Omega DataCube is considered reliable by users and reviewers alike. Its automatic backup feature ensures that data is consistently and securely backed up every time the device is charged, providing peace of mind and protecting valuable files.

omega datacube review

With local storage and no reliance on an internet connection, users appreciate the added security and privacy it offers. The device's user-friendly design and compatibility with various devices further contribute to its reliability, making it a trusted solution for data backup.

Why Do People Enjoy The Omega DataCube?

People enjoy the Omega DataCube for several reasons:

omega datacube review
  • Convenience: The automatic backup feature makes data protection effortless. Users love that they don't have to remember to back up their files manually, as the DataCube takes care of it while charging.
  • Peace of Mind: The Omega DataCube provides a sense of security, knowing that all their important files, cherished memories, and valuable documents are safe and easily accessible.
  • User-Friendly: Its straightforward plug-and-play design makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. Users appreciate its simplicity and ease of use.
  • Local Storage: With files stored locally on the device, users can control their data without worrying about potential data breaches associated with cloud-based solutions.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: As a one-time purchase with no monthly fees, the Omega DataCube offers a cost-effective data backup solution compared to cloud services.
  • Efficient Organization: The optional free app organizes backed-up files, making it easy to find and share specific photos and videos with friends and family.
  • Endless Storage Options: With various storage capacities available, users can choose the one that best fits their needs, providing flexibility for their data storage requirements.
  • Quick Backup Speed: The advanced MicroSD card technology ensures fast and efficient data backups, saving users time and effort.
  • No Internet Dependency: The device does not require an Internet connection during backups, making it reliable even in areas with limited connectivity.
  • Compatibility: Being compatible with Mac and Android devices, the Omega DataCube caters to a broad user base, allowing more people to benefit from its features.

In summary, people enjoy the Omega DataCube for its convenience, peace of mind, user-friendliness, local storage, cost-effectiveness, and efficient organization. Its seamless operation and ability to provide secure data backups while charging make it a preferred choice for keeping important files safe and accessible.

Why Should You Choose Omega DataCube?

Choosing Omega DataCube for a reliable and hassle-free data backup solution would be best. With its automatic backup feature, local storage, and user-friendly design, the DataCube takes the stress out of data protection. Enjoy the convenience of never manually backing up your files, knowing that your valuable memories and important documents are securely stored on the device itself; Omega DataCube customer support is very much appreciative.

omega datacube review

The DataCube's compatibility with both Mac and Android devices ensures that it caters to a wide range of users. At the same time, its various storage options provide flexibility to suit your data storage needs. With no internet connection required and a one-time purchase cost, the Omega DataCube offers a cost-effective and privacy-focused alternative to cloud-based backup services. Choose the Omega DataCube for peace of mind and effortless data backup whenever you charge your device.

Who Created Omega DataCube?

The Omega DataCube was created by Mark Oman, a 45-year Silicon Valley veteran and former HP executive. Frustrated by the lack of user-friendly options for data backup, Mark sought to develop a device that would provide a simple and reliable solution for safeguarding files on smartphones, tablets, and computers.

who created omega datacube

His desire to help his mother find an easy way to protect her phone's files led him to invent the Omega DataCube, which quickly gained recognition and popularity for its innovative approach to data backup. Mark's expertise and dedication to creating a user-friendly device have made the Omega DataCube a trusted and highly regarded data backup solution.

Omega DataCube Review: What Do Customers Say?

Customers have praised the Omega DataCube's convenience and reliability in automatically backing up their data. They appreciate the user-friendly design and the peace of mind of knowing their files are securely stored locally.

The device's compatibility with various devices and multiple storage options has garnered positive feedback. Users also value the cost-effectiveness and efficient organization, making the Omega DataCube a highly recommended data backup solution.

omega datacube review
omega datacube review
omega datacube review

Where and How To Purchase Omega DataCube?

You can purchase the Omega DataCube on its official website. Simply visit the website and select the storage capacity that suits your needs (32GB, 64GB, 128GB, or 256GB). Add the desired option to your cart and proceed to checkout. The website provides a secure and straightforward ordering process. Be sure to check product availability and shipping options before completing your purchase. Hurry and get your Omega DataCube while supplies last!

omega datacube review

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need Extra Cables To Use The Omega Datacube With My Device?

No, you don't need any extra cables. The Omega DataCube is designed to work with standard USB phone chargers you likely already have at home.

Are There Any Monthly Fees Or Commitments For Using The Omega Datacube?

No, there are no monthly fees or commitments. The Omega DataCube is a one-time purchase, and the app for enhanced functionality is free and secure.

Is The Cloud A Better Option For Data Backup?

The Cloud has its advantages, but the Omega DataCube offers secure local storage without an internet connection. It ensures your data remains private and eliminates the risk of cloud service outages or data breaches.

Can't I Manually Upload Files To A Computer Or Hard Drive?

Yes, you can, but the manual process can be time-consuming and tedious. The Omega DataCube automates the backup, saving you hours of effort.

Do I Need To Be Tech-savvy To Use The Omega Datacube?

No, the Omega DataCube is designed for simplicity. After the initial setup, it handles the backup process automatically, requiring no technical expertise.

Which Storage Size Should I Choose For The Omega Datacube?

Choose the storage size based on your data collection. Options range from 32GB to 256GB, accommodating different storage needs.

What Happens When The Omega Datacube Fills Up?

If the device fills up, you can easily expand storage by purchasing additional Photo SD cards (MicroSD cards) and swapping them in as needed.

Can I Share The Omega Datacube With Family Members?

Yes, you can share the device with family members, as it stores data in separate folders, ensuring individual privacy.

Is The Omega Datacube Compatible With Both Apple And Android Devices?

Yes, the Omega DataCube works with both Mac and Android devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Is There A Money-back Guarantee For The Omega Datacube?

Yes, the Omega DataCube has a 30-day money-back guarantee, allowing you to try it risk-free.

Final Words On Omega DataCube Review

In conclusion, Omega DataCube has revolutionized data backup, providing a simple, reliable, and user-friendly solution for protecting precious memories and important files. With its automatic backup feature, local storage, and compatibility with various devices, users can enjoy peace of mind knowing their data is safe.

The convenience, cost-effectiveness, and efficient organization make it a top choice for anyone seeking a hassle-free data backup option. With no monthly fees and a 30-day money-back guarantee, the Omega DataCube is a must-have device for securing your digital life. Don't miss the opportunity to get your Omega DataCube today and safeguard your memories while freeing up phone storage!

Adam Leon

I am Adam Leon, the founder and lead author of Digita Dir. As a tech enthusiast with a background in computer science, I am passionate about all things digital. I head up a team of experts at Digita Dir, providing comprehensive reviews and how-to guides on the latest gadgets and technologies. Keep an eye out for my articles, full of valuable insights and recommendations on the latest and greatest in the world of tech.

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